Friday, September 14, 2018

Lots going on in Festungplatz Land!!!!

Well, it seems that lots of good came on the Wargaming front recently. I was a guest on a podcast. It wasn't my first, but it was my first "serious" one.

I was a guest on History to Wargames "Battlegroup Shorts" podcast and they well, had me on to talk about the Dutch. We digressed a bit here and there, but Rob did a nice job of keeping us on topic. I really did have fun, and they have invited me on again when the next issue hits, that will probably be sometime this winter, though I already have begun a bit of work on it..mostly researching the composition of German Panzer Brigades, and reading a lot on Arracourt, Metz, and Singling. As I have said before, it's a labor of love for my grandfather, as he lived a lot of that fighting.

You can listen to the show, and/or download it here:

And, I ran my game derived from the book "No Triumphant Procession" at the National Capitol Model Soldier Show's inaugural wargaming component. I lost out on "best game" to a gorgeous AWI setup, and my game only ran five turns, but hey, it ran, I got some decent pics out of it, and yes, I still need to up my terrain game!

My terrain needs work, and while it's not all bad, I wasn't completely pleased with it. Some scatter terrain seems to be the order of the day methinks, but I welcome everyone's comments.

Well, TTFN, but I will be around! 

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