Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Bloody Bolt Action Game at a Friend's Place.

Played some Bolt Action this Saturday. I had a good time playing the Germans, but man, my tactics were pretty bad and I deserved the spanking I got. That said, the terrain my buddy, Dave Luff put out was nothing short of awesome. I always enjoy going over to his place as his wargame room is the one a lot of us envy.

The game was simple, both sides had a small force of infantry and armor and the idea was to get control of the crossroads. Seems simple enough. But, well, things got complicated.

First I tried a coup de main on the crossroads with my Puma...not a good idea. It was soon fireballed by a Sherman. After that, the rest of the Germans entered on the American flank, and for a time, it seemed (bad dice notwithstanding) that we might carry the day. Alas, I got too aggressive after we fireballed 2 out of 3 American Shermans and sent the remaining one packing. (I also got a halftrack, which was pretty fortunate for a time, those things have an ungodly amount of machine guns). I lost my Stug and Mk IV and my tiny Renault and Halftrack spent the rest of the game stuck in the crossroads, until they too, were blown apart.

After I tried to hang in there with my infantry, my side fell apart, and we packed it in when the German infantry squad was wiped out.

Considering we began at Noon, and ended by 2:30? I'd say well done playing to a conclusion!

I'd like to thank my opponent Cory for a fine game and Dave for putting it on! Special recognition should go to my Panzerschreck team, who killed two out of the three vehicles we managed to get, and drove off that third Sherman!

And what do you know? It's post #25!! This seems an apropos post to have up for such a milestone!

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